Appearance vs. Reality
Often humans largely hold archetypes over reality. There is no absolute appearance…
Of Exiles, Adaptations, Fears, and Windows
The last idea that occurred to me that morning would not have been considered a serious idea by any philosopher
things people say
You’re at the edge of the pillow, acting as the proverbial prune - like a butter dish in a room full of people…
A Tale of April 25, 1999
I’d practised Falun Gong for seven years. It stopped my spine disease’s jabbing spears…
Los humores recorrían las venas y arterias, impregnaban los tejidos de este protagonista, incluso su cerebro mismo.
do you think of where i am?/will i forgive me for holding it together?
/ When I crave cigarettes, I climb up to the very top of my lungs and scream at you in silence. You make me want to cut out my tongue
We are the plugged-in backing band, in basement blocks we make them stand for hours…
Thoughts to a friend
If one day you can step from your shame and fear, From those barbed binds that hold you…
The Lay of the Land
We spend our days being someone we are not, so that somebody who is not us, will admire us for who we are…
Night Ferry
Neutral public space is a blessing. See the homeless man in the corner. Looks like an escapee from a mental institution….