Sandcastle City

Crammed to the crags with its old stories


Come alive and made theirs to consider 

Scrutinise, explore and rip apart.  

Cobbles for wobbles from late night charades

We’d gobble and hobble and be boggled

By who we’d become 


Struck dumb

By it’s intoxicating abundance. 

But the shrieks and the cheers and the tears 

Followed sombre debate 

From the learned

 We’d take

And discuss until late

Cycles discarded. 

Sandcastle City with it’s dreaming spires

Scribbled all over 

By those passing of late 

Your gait

Your smell 

Your smile 

Your sunlit green miles. 

From cafe to river to meadow we’d prance 

Encouraged by its romance 

Of young minds, old words, imposing facades

Egging us on

To go on, create. 

We thought we had you forever

And lived a lifetime in your safe solid walls

Until it was time to move on

And see life.


Hinckley library


A Ramble on the Chouf Mountains