Homeless, USA
Hello, I don’t have a phone or access, either.
Hello, I crank the spit of life each & every day.
Hello, I’m related to you in some distant way,
as you are me, & I am you, on & on.
So, listen as nightingales of imagination glisten
the chimes on our tropical patios, chimes made
from varnished tarpon scales, chimes shaped
like synapses falling to their death, chimes like
hummingbirds flying from Jose Marzumillaga’s
baby grand, synapses reminding us that Zen
moments are the only moments we’ll ever have,
& once those moments vaporize like some light-
winged Dryad of the trees, once those moments
drift into the past tense, then we’re all homeless
until the very last one of us has a home to call
his or her own, every last one of us sheltered
peacefully in a home of our own.